Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Slideshow Added

Hello! It's been a long time since I've added any pictures  - March to be exact.  It's not that I've not been taking pictures, but I've just been lazy!  "Actually, that's not it either, but I'll not go into all that has taken place since my last post and just start from here.

First I want to mention that I've added a slide show of some of my favorite pictures - these are all from my garden, my former garden.  We have completed our move and I'm starting over with a garden but I do have many new pictures - country pictures- to be adding soon.

One of my favorites is one I'm going to share now - driving down the road about a mile from our house, in a field of cattle, we discovered these two zebras.  Only in Texas - Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I set out these bluebonnet plants for the front - got to start somewhere! there are about 20 of them, but as you can see they don't make a big splash. I will be adding many seeds in the fall and hopefully the front will be covered with bluebonnets over the next few years. This was Feb. 27 - already they've grown and the neighborhood as of Sunday, Mar 14 - the neighborhood is coming alive with color. Hope these catch up -
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In the Beginning. . .

The first garden at our new home in the country - Potatoes are in the garbage cans, and the round raised bed is the first of five. I lined them with cardboard, then papers then mulches, dirts, manure etc. etc. and got ready to plant my tomatoes and peppers. This is supposed to be an easier way to garden (lasagna gardening) and I will keep up with the pictures as it progresses to let you know just how this works out. This was February 28 - watch for updates.

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