This year I made all new flower beds in the front of my driveway, my beds by the front porch replenished themselves with zinnias, coreopsis and lima beans by the bookoos! I'm not for sure about the bookoos - that's a word I've always heard, but have no idea if it's a real word or how to spell it. I know spellcheck is not happy - haha - oh well, it's my word and I'm using it.
Before I add pictures from the building of the beds to their present great look, I have to share my okra pictures from this year. Last year I had just a couple of little plants and they made huge okra pods, but never enough to pick at one time for a side dish, so I let them all go to seed and planted them this summer. I put some in a flowerbed and they didn't do much, but I planted some in pots and oh my goodness!

This was what I cooked Saturday night for dinner. We ate a lot and had one serving left over.
The picture below is four of my plants, there's one just outside the picture range. I have one huge plant on left (also in single shot) and four more average size plants. All are producing. The largest one was planted in Miracle Grow potting soil! Yes, it does make a difference. I have some pictures of some other plants in Miracle Grow and some not and WOW is all I can say. And no I'm not paid a penny to say this - it's just the truth! other beds

So this is the end of my okra post, but I will be posting again soon, sharing my yard and garden with you.
Happy digging!
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